martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Will future expresses a spontaneous decision, an assumption with regard to the future or an action in the future that cannot be influenced.

Will the future is quite simple as all "persons" (yo, yo, it ... etc) are the same conjugation. the most important lesson is they know what location to use the "will". is used "will" when expressing a promise, decisions, predictions and offers.

subject + will + 1 1/go 2/went 3/gone

affirmative: I will go, You will go, He will go, She will go, It will go, We will go, You will go, They will go.

negative: I won't go, You won't go, He won't go, She won't go, It won't go, We won't go, You won't go, They won't go.

interrogative: Will I go ?, Will you go ?, Will he go ?, Will she go ?, Will it go ?, Will we go ?, Will you go ?, Will they go ?


subject + will + 1
I He will go to New York - El irá a New York
He will go to New York - El irá a New York

subject + won't (will not) + 1
I won't go to New York - No iré a New York
He won't go to New York - El no irá a New York

Will + subject + 1 ?
Will I go to New York ? - ¿Iré a New York ?
Will he go to New York ? - ¿Irá él a New York ?

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